New - Squid Skirts Without Eyes
Posted by Captain Rich on Jan 3rd 2018
Brand New - Squid Skirts Without Eyes
So many of our customers have been asking me, "Capt. Rich - when you gonna come on out with the skirts without the eyes". So sorry it took so long, but the wait is now over! We now have "The Original" Squid Skirts without eyes - and not just a few colors or sizes, but 78 colors to choose from from 5.5" to 8.5" and some selected colors from 10" all the way up to 16" skirts!
Check them out here: Squid Skirts Without Eyes
As always, our squid skirts are stocked and shipped within 24 hours. So, if you're making new lures, have some fun and bling them out, or put some new skirts on those older lure heads!
Catch Fish,
Captain Rich